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Corrupt & Shop Tokens

*Only one tail trait per faunid excluding tail feathers.*

Multiple tokens required for multiple sections of the same trait.


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Corrupt Tokens

faunid tail shell 4.png
carnivore mouth.png

Striped Shell

Something wriggles inside and you feel compelled to chew on this shell..


Using this item changes your mouth to something more.. carnivorous.

Predator Mouth
faunid tail shell 2.png
hoof edits.png

White Shell

As you hold this shell, you can feel your toes tingle..


Using this item allows you to make (cohesive) edits to 1-4 of your hooves.

Hoof Edits
faunid tail shell.png

Tan Shell

This shell feels old and infected.


Using this item causes fungus to spontaneously grow from your body.

Options are not limited to the above examples but item only covers a specific/small area.

Multiple items required for multiple areas of growth.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Fungus Growths
faunid tail shell 3.png
antler edits.png

Blue Shell

As you hold this shell, you feel a tad lightheaded.


Using this item redeems the ability to make edits to your chosen antler base.

Appropriate antler tokens must be used in conjunction with this token.

Please DM Deertush to have antler edit ideas approved.

Antler Edit
faunid tooth.png
logn faings.png

Loose Tooth

This tooth seems to have come from a large predator of some sort. 


Using this item can redeem lengthened upper canine teeth.

Long Fangs
faunid jaw.png
large tusks.png

Broken Jaw

Some poor predator died and left behind their sun-worn and broken mandible.


Using this item can redeem lengthened lower canine teeth.

Large Tusks


Eye Edit
faunid eye.png
eye edit chart.png

This item reminds you of someone you know.. Hindsight really is 20/20.


Using this item can redeem the option to add, remove, and move your eyeballs.

Please inquire for unique eye edits and make sure they are approved.

faunid avian leg.png
avian claws 1.png
avian claws 2.png

Crow Foot

The birds who feast on the dead all die eventually too. Plus they make cool souvenirs.

Using this item morphs a pair of hands/hooves to bird-like talons.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Avian Claws
faunid scale.png
scale chart.png

Reptile Scales

Doubling as nice gambling chips, the alligator seems to have lost his bet on life.


Using this item causes scales the sprout across the body.

Options are not limited to the above examples.

Multiple items required for multiple areas of growth.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Reptilian Scales
Boney Growth
faunid bone growth.png
bony growth chart.png

Broken Bone

A dime a dozen, you see broken bones like this everywhere.


Using this item redeems boney growths that sprout from the skin

Options are not limited to the above examples but item only covers a specific/small area.

Multiple items required for multiple areas of growth.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

faunid feather rot.png
feather rot.png

Rotten Feather

Rotten or gnawed on, this feather has seen better days.


Using this item turns (requested) areas of feathers into sharp quills.

A feather token must be used in conjunction with this item.

Feather Rot
faunid tail rep.png
reptile tail chart.png

Lizard Tail

The fresh edge of this tail tells you it was just dropped by its reptilian owner...Unless..?


Your tail is able to turn into a disgusting reptilian-like tail! 

Options not limited to the above examples.

Not compatible with additional/other tail tokens excluding feather tail.

Reptilian Tail
faunid claw.png
sickle claw.png


No matter who or what this claw come from, you know it's seen blood in its prime.


Using this item adds dromaeosaurid-like talons to two of your paired hooves.

Sickle Claw
locust leg.png

Locust Leg

The locust that this leg came from is either dead or having a very bad day.


Using this item transforms a pair of limbs into insectoid segments.

Only applies to arms and legs.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Insect Limbs


You should probably use this token before it starts smelling.


Using this item opens a wound where you choose, exposing the muscles.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Exposed Muscle
rotten shell.png

Rotten Shell

Upon first impression, it looks like a Blue Shell. But... grosser.​


Using this item adds shedding velvet to antlers. A branch item is required.

Permanent Shed Velvet
multi limbs.png


Well this is awkward. You don't know anything about millipede husbandry.​


Using this item adds one to two (1-2) additional forelimbs.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Extra Limbs

Loose Paw

Can I give you a hand.. er... paw?


Using this item morphs hands or hooves into pawpads.

One token corresponds to one pair of paws. No animals with thumbs. Yet.

Can affect the entire limb. Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.



Do you hear something? Because someone doesn't anymore.


This item allows ears to be edited or for the addition of one pair of ears.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Ear edits
coral blue.png

Broken Coral

A living organism that looks like a stone sculpture? That rocks.​


Using this item causes coral to spontaneously grow from your body.

Options are not limited to the above examples but item only covers a specific/small area.

Multiple items required for multiple areas of growth.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Coral Growth


Eugh. You should go to the doctor. Maybe even the vet.​


Using this item causes the body to be infected with mange.


Shed Antler

You wonder if someone got embarrassed over their ugly antlers.​


Using this item causes antlers to sprout where they shouldnt.

Options are not limited to the above examples.

Multiple items required for multiple areas of growth.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

Antler Misgrowth

Premium Tokens

Unless noted otherwise, all Premium Tokens are Corrupted Traits.
canine skull.png
shop skull.png
cervid skull.png

Premium: Skull

Exposed Skull

An expertly crafted coin with an engraved skull..


Redeeming this token melts your face away to expose nothing but bone.

Options not limited to the above examples.

May be affected by added head traits and tokens.

shop bio.png
biolum chart.png

Premium: Glow

An expertly crafted coin with an engraved sun..


Redeeming this token allows for some of your markings to emit a glowing light.

 These glowing areas cover at MOST 25% of the body.

Options not limited to the above examples.

shop wing.png
wing chart.png

Premium: Wings

Vestigial Wings

An expertly crafted coin with engraved wings..


Redeeming this token allows you a pair of wings (almost) anywhere on your body.

Options not limited to the above examples.

Multiple tokens required to redeem more pairs of wings.

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

shop horn.png
horns chart.png

Premium: Horns

An expertly crafted coin with an engraved horn..


Redeeming this token turns your antlers into horns.

Options not limited to the above examples.

Multiple tokens required to redeem more pairs of horns. (max 3)

Token can be stacked and uses only one slot.

split jaw.png

Premium: Mirror

An expertly crafted coin with an engraved mirror.​


Redeeming this item splits the faun's face into two.

Options not limited to the above examples.

May affect other traits such as antlers, eyes, and feathers.

Split Face
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