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Welcome to Atalav!

The below map consists of a majority of the known world of Atalav. It is a relatively peaceful world where nature has reclaimed the land and is rebuilding itself along with the help of its intelligent inhabitant.
faunids map

Click on city names or images to visit their information.


This city is speculated to be the birthplace of the faunids that we know today. Herne was said to have stepped forth from the massive conjoined trees in the middle of the lake, blessing primordial fauns with their present talents. The population rapidly increased and civilization expanded at an extraordinary rate. Metal manipulation, fur handling, farming, and other societal necessities were started here and many were perfected here. 


While there is not a specific trade associated with Hernlak, its spiritual connection and X schooling are iconic to the region. Additionally, the onslaught of neighboring corrupted faunids has reinforced the mentoring system for guards and protectors. The extremely violent pressure has formed battle-hardened warriors.



Fenris is the dictator and proclaimed god of the ashen ruins that border Hernlak. Past buildings rot in their place as leafless trees grow around them, creating a seamless transition between the previous owner and the new decrepit parasite that will slowly destroy it. 


There is no official number of habitants as individuals are constantly moving in and out. However the single constant is that every inhabitant is corrupt. Ghosgate is a violent and lawless ruin where murder is a commodity and greed is as prevalent as hunger. No pure faunid has ever made it past a hundred meters into the dead forest. 


                  (MA-kee-no)           (Roh-s-ehn)

This secluded island is very developed and heavily based on X usage for its day-to-day functionality. Outsiders are not positively looked upon and are actively dissuaded from entering the city. Faunid civilians are extremely protective of their environment and the secrets that litter every nook and cranny. Ornate jewelry and accessories like lace and silks are the highest exports of this high-end city.


Nothing is quite as iconic as the pink sakura-esque trees that make up the beautiful Rosen Forest. Pink crystals can be seen all across the island but are most prolific within the denser foliage. Glowing spirits can be seen dancing between branches in endless glee as they await the annual Fawning.


Marveled as the origin of the Merfaun, the Antler Islands are a mystery to most inland faunids. This collection of small islands is riddled with waterways and sand embankments perfect for Aquafaunidae to rest and thrive on. There is little to no built civilization on these islands (merfauns don't have hands!) and is mainly a large collection and gathering of individuals. 


Across the water from Makino is a lovely and bustling village where cares are far and few between. Compared to its well-developed neighbor, the Salmon Coast is rooted in its natural resources and takes great pride in their cultural niche. Focusing on shipment of goods and self-sustaining livelihoods, its a common getaway spot for stressed outsiders. Faunids who live here are very welcoming to strangers of all shapes and sizes and teeth shape. 


The largest collective area of grasslands is equally as impressive as its unappealing appearance. Regarded as a haven for artifacts that date back as far as the Blissen, the Dry Plains is surprisingly bustling with life. Extreme winds have created a flat prairie that will easily uproot the rare tree that has faced all surmountable odds to survive on some of its worst days. Living shelters are typically angled and low to the ground to rebuff the worst of the winds' effects. 


A majority of the faunids that occupy the plains are researchers and travelers. Not many will willingly stay on the plains for lack of water and fertile soil. Those who do stay are welcoming and incredible storytellers. Myth and history dance seamlessly together around the campfire at night; the warmth of fermented fruit and flame at odds with the empty grasslands' wailing.


Dry Plains


The majority of the Wood's landscape is relatively uninviting; dark, thick forest, freezing rapids, and aggressive inhabitants are a sliver of the untamed wilderness that it has to offer. Abandoned cabins are interspersed between the scarce collections of faunids that populate the area. Similarly to Ghosgate, vast expanses of the Wildwood are unexplored. At least, it has never been officially recorded by a cartographer. Whispers of curses and malevolent auras are rumored to protect the secrets that lay within the forest. 


Unspoken laws are shared between faunids, but most townfolk could consider it a lawless land. A large portion of the population is native to the area, born and never to leave their spot of comfort. Any others are either those too weak-willed to live in Vinnde or Hernlak's citizens who desire to connect to their past.



Bitter winds and frostbite curse the aptly named Cold North. With only inedible evergreens and frozen carcasses to keep you company, it's a lonely and well avoided location. Mainly unexplored, the secrets of this forgotten land are locked behind permafrost. Only those who wish to visit relatives or those who wish to connect to Herne in a challenging test of will travel this far north.


As cold and hardy as their environment, the villagers in Vinnde are incredibly strong and well-built. Inhabitants are mainly consisting of caribou, moose, and elk. Thinner skinned fauns simply cannot take the brute chill for extended periods of time without overbearing assistance. There is no main export unlike every other town. Most faunids believe that Vinnde exists purely out of sheer determination.


Vinnde & The Cold North



It takes a brave faunid to admit that their town is far from perfect. Many- if not most, would be keen to say as such about Veritam. While it is not the cleanest, nor the most wealthy in agriculture, lacks responsible leadership, and is the alcohol epicenter of the landmass, it... has personality.


A ridge of mountains borders northern Veritam, protecting the townfolk from most dangers that may wander in from the Wildwood. At the base of the mountains and the main gathering hub of the town is a large, impressive tree that emanates godly power. If there is one thing that is perfected here, it is the agricultural knowledge behind fruit bearing and fermentation. Many visitors will instantly recognize the spiritual freedom that embodies the entire population. 


The Split Mountains is a secluded and secretive location. The only individuals who know anything about this location are Minodae and those who have somehow convinced a minodae to speak about their origins. 


Rain, snow, or shine, this location will always have something growing and going on. It is one of the most prolific locations in its region due to the inhabitants constantly improving the quality of life of the environment. During the summer, the gorgeous colors of native grasses and foods can be seen across the waters. It is a sight to behold from afar and even more up close.




...Strange faunids live here....... 



...Strange faunids live here....... 



Mesa Ruins


If a faun has received any form of lavender, it is almost guaranteed to have originated from here. Lavandul has perfected the art of growing crops and specializes in herbs. Due to the heavy dependence on agriculture, the faunids of Lavandul have a higher than average companion rate with animals such as canines and hoofstock. They are a very traditional town with little desire for complex weaving and intricate metalworking. An item is only to be made to serve its purpose, as time spent decorating a hoe is time that could be spent making a scythe.

The large population of non-faunid companions has led to an annual infestation of Lapines that feast on the surplus greenery. Occassionally they may ask for outside help...


Thick greenery makes it difficult to traverse and heavy dirt clumps between clumsy hooves. Throughout the rainforest crystals sprout from winding roots till their facets reflect the godrays that peek through the canopy. Visible from Lavandul, a green glow radiates from a large tree in the deepest and thickest part of the forest. While unusual, it is just another part of the landscape. 


Bordering on very dangerous to extremely dangerous, this is not a territory to be trifled with. Venomous animals and deadly adversaries are only a few of the endless encounters one may meet within the rainforest. No one willingly stays here. Those who do stay, die of mysterious causes. Suspicions suggest that Herne's negative energy is concentrated within this biome and affects the wildlife.


Cervale Rainforest

Just as vile and toxic as the rainforest that borders the swamp-ridden ruins lays Necmir. A minor hotspot for corruption activity, most will avoid the area for general fear of their safety. The ruins that scatter the knee-deep waters are purely from neglect and abandon from those who desired for greener pastures. 


Less than half of the population of the corruption 'capital', the threat for civilians is rather minimal. Only those who wander too far from home are usually targeted if at all. Corrupted faunids have found more reliable food sources from fishing, possibly the first population to practice the act of netting. Rather than spending their time recruiting for a war against god, the population has put their energy into adjusting their lifestyle to make life as a meat-hungry artiodactyl as comfortable as possible.

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