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Art by MsMyDeer

Faunid Society Guidelines

While every settlement within Atalav has diverse expressions within their own community, there will always be a shared societal bond that is present. This overarching connection is what allows all Faunids to thrive and coexist in relatively peaceful and mindful practices. These rules were created for any and every Faunid as a clear way to show their devotion and respect for Herne. Allowing those who don't wish to perform traditional ceremonies to still be known as loyal and true. Any Faun showing to deliberately disobey and ignore these societal normalities will begin the path to corruption. Herne is a fair god and is capable of discerning the purity of your actions.



Intentionally dispatching a soul is an act that can not only end another's journey, but also create an endless chain reaction of pain and misery. The cycle of death amongst previous species is what had hastily pushed Earth into the end of it's Holoscene Extinction event and sent the planet into its temporary ruin. Deliberate murder of any living creature is an event to stand trial with Herne with. The only exceptions to this rule is if the living creature in question has aims or unintentional aims that will harm others, and in order to end needless suffering. This can include animals struck with illness and lethal injuries, corrupting/corrupted Faunids, rotting and/or weak vegetation, and so on. 



It's known that deer are not obligate herbivores and have been witnessed to eat small portions of meat in the form of eggs, small mammals, birds, bones, and so forth. Faunids are no exception to this biological allowance and are fully capable of consuming atypical forms of protein where moral. The consumption of your own brethren species is prohibited. Consensual or not, the act of cannibalization will result kickstart the process of corruption.



The definition of exploitation in this matter is to deliberately mistreat someone or something in order to gain from it for oneself. Seen as selfish and heedless to the community and surrounding environment, any intentional exploitation is deemed immoral and looked down upon within the society.


En masse farming, unethical harvesting, elimination of individuals for land, and producing an excess of product is all unnecessary action that benefits no one except the individual. Introducing non-native species must be done in extreme moderation and with a close eye, with only the intention to remove the plant at the end of its lifecycle. It is common for farmers to not only maintain their cleared land for personal vegetation but to also support native wildlands that neighbor these cleared areas. The grasses and native species that had to be removed in order to grow gardens are either replanted in new areas or are properly harvested with zero waste. 


The line between unethical and ethical treatment that goes hand in hand with exploitation can be subtle and tricky. It is not just a rule meant for farming, but for everyone. An innkeeper cannot work their employees unsustainable hours nor should the inkeeper look for any form of profit. When creating products for the community to enjoy, the act should not be done perpetually in the hope of gaining profit or overworking your fellow crafters. Selfishly hoarding items beyond your means takes away the ability of others to share the wealth, distributing the riches equally and fairly. All of this falls under exploitation.



One does not need to be Lawful Good within their community to be an upstanding member and definitely not to be on good times with Herne. Tricksters and jokesters are thriving and welcome scandals that spice up the cities' otherwise mundane day to day livings. However, even these individuals know not to play games with their god. There is no doubt that He exists. He can be seen in visions, through the creations of Fawnids, and through blessings. To not believe in him is nearly impossible and is a self-propelled societal outcasting. You do not need to actively worship, mention, base your morals solely around this god, be a mere good citizen, or have a basic shrine within the confines of one's home. You cannot trick a god no matter how hard you try.



To "own" another living, breathing creature against their will is nothing more than another form of exploitation. When it comes to "pets", there are none as we know them today. Companions are relatively common are as classified as consenting creatures who wish to live alongside a Faunid. No matter if it is a domestic feline or sheep, the qualification of consent is extremely important. Farmers house and care for their companions (note: not "livestock"), and in return they may receive items from their companions in the form of wool and milk. Animals that are kept in enclosed structures for their safety like small mammals, birds, arthropods, and so on should be permitted suitable environments. 



No matter what is being built, the sourcing of material should only be claimed if it is undamaging to the environment in which it originated. Using wood and metals for architecture should be done sparingly upon specific needs. Most wood used within every community had been marked for clearing fire hazards, infestation, invasive species, or general decay. Animal hides can only be sourced from very specific sources that include individuals that died from old age, necessary dispatch, or were already found dead. Due to such moral limitations, materials such as precious gems and metals are extremely rare in large quantities.


Art by BecomeLost

Faunid Technology


The materials available for use in construction are somewhat limited due to ethical issues but are still plentiful enough to support the populated cities comfortably. Traditional paper, glass, leather/rawhide, crude metals, silk, limestone, salt, and other basic resources are the staple of trade and community. These items vary in availability depending on location. 


It doesn't take much to make a weapon out of something. There are fauns who specialize in this craft and are capable of making advanced weaponry consisting of swords, daggers, dirks, and so forth. Bows are the much preferred method for many for their availability. Armor is specially made only for individuals dealing with fierce opponents or decorative. Most Faunids will typically have some sort of defense on them but are typically kept small and discrete compared to larger weaponry needed and desired by defenders.


While completely optional, clothing is readily available. Cotton, silk, flax, wool, ramie, fur, and leather are the main if not only options available to make up one's dresser. Since everything must be sewn by hand, intricate patterns are rare. Occasionally, items like metal and bones can be incorporated into the finished piece.




The main source of trade within the communities is exclusively done through bartering. Trading one's own resources for an item they desire.

There is no monetary system available to be spread or regulate.

little antler

Art by LittleAntler

Misc. Information


There is a shared cervid common language, but we as users simply interpret it as English for simplicity.

Faunids are only able to speak to other Faunids, typical deer are too far removed to be understood anymore.

Death Ritual​

Depending on the wishes of the deceased and where they are located, several things are available as an option after the soul leaves its vessel. 


Vulturine Burials

Consisting of a specialized faunid preparing the corpse to be evenly divided between nature's different sides. Based on the deceased's requests, specific body parts can be given to specific groups of creatures and/or processes. The groups that are most commonly recognized and revered consist of but are not limited to: Air(vulturines, birds of prey), Water/Sea(fish, aquatic quadrupeds, natural decomp.), Forest/Desert/Etc.(bears, wolves, shadowcats, etc.), Earth(burial, insects), Fire(burning), And so forth.


Traditional Burials

One's naked body is buried into the earth to return to the organisms who reside there and become dirt once again.


Sent Burials

The simplest in form, it is typically performed to feed ocean birds and the creatures within the ocean. The deceased is placed on a temporary raft made of wood and weak grasses and cast adrift into the ocean. This form has become less common with the spreading discovery and realization of Merfaunidae. 


Sentry Burials

Mainly only used for faunids of high regard due to their reputation as a Defender, this burial is not quite a burial at all. The individual is coated in beautiful and specialized colorful berries, flowers, colored salts, and natural preservatives. While not always successful, the body would typically be placed in a secluded area to be preserved for years at a time until natural forces began traditional decomposition. Tales speak of sentry burials who were slowly turned to stone by Herne for their dedication and duty in life..

After Death

Hell and Heaven are not concepts shared by Faunids. Rather, the standard belief is in spiritual rebirth. Pure souls will be allowed to be reborn as fawns, while corrupted souls will forever be stuck to roam until used otherwise. 


Nearly all Faunids are capable of traditional birth. Older individuals see this practice as taboo, spouting that traditionally birthed fawns are less pure than those solely crafted by Herne. No one truly knows if Herne has a hand in crafting traditionally birthed fawns. Only fauns of matching subspecies can have a traditional mating and birth. Mixed couples must rely on Fawning or adoption.

Shedding and Molting

Compared to standard cervids, Faunids are incapable of shedding their antlers. As they go through life, they will have velveted antlers that grow until maturity. At that point, the velvet will fall off and reveal the individual's antlers they will have for the rest of their life. Damaged velvet, improper diet, and improper handling will all have an effect on the final result.


Feathers are continuously molted and lost every year to replace broken or damaged feathers. This process is mildly itchy and can result in subtle changes in the length and color of the faunid's feathers.

Unnatural Traits & Abilities

Since the beginning of their creation, Faunidae have had unnatural intelligence for what they should have evolved into. This trait, along with their dexterous hands, were a gift given to them from Herne. Feathers are a mystery as to their origin. Some suspect they are actually modified hair while others claim it as an additional gift from Herne for identification amongst individuals.

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